opening times
the new st martin's salon is currently being refurbished and opening hours will be very limited for the next few months so cuts will mainly be on st mary's...
please check my availability below to help you make a booking at the right place.
!thanks a million!
due to weather and boating, times/days can be fluid.
w/c 13th january
monday - no cuts
tuesday - cut loose, st mary's
wednesday - no cuts
thursday - no cuts
friday - cut loose, st marys
saturday - cut loose, st mary's
sunday - no cuts
monday - no cuts
tuesday - cut loose, st mary's
wednesday - no cuts
thursday - no cuts
friday - cut loose, st marys
saturday - cut loose, st mary's
sunday - no cuts
booking appointments
the best way to get one is:
st mary's - call (01720) 422232 or in person
st martin's - call/whatsapp 07849 547617
social media is fine; however, we're very busy
and may not pick up your message for hours,
so it's always best to talk.
st mary's - call (01720) 422232 or in person
st martin's - call/whatsapp 07849 547617
social media is fine; however, we're very busy
and may not pick up your message for hours,
so it's always best to talk.
I understand that life can get in the way and it is zero problem if you got waylaid; however, with the obvious exceptions, i am unable to take responsibilty for the cost - it will be added to your following cut cost.